Romanique style chapel in Kalinčiakovo

Romanique style chapel in Kalinčiakovo

Exeptionally the most significant architectonic relic  is a Romanique style chapel from the beginning of the 12th century, built by Levice in the town section Kalinčiakovo.

Originally it was surrounded by the walls of a smaller fort that protected a near bridge over a deep bed of Sikenica stream and controlled a very important acces road to Levice through Strážny hill. A rectangular aisle of the chapel was covered with vault till the great fire in 1832, then a present roof was built later. It was renovated after the fire in the years 1833 -1835. The chapel was reconstructed in 1932 and repaired in the years 1957 – 1958. The chapel has been reformist since 1655. After the fire in 1832 mural paintings, depicting celestial bodies and animals, were disclosed. These mural paintings were whited out during reparation works in 1833 – 1835. During those works the structure was reinforced with abutments and a devastated tower was replaced by a new prismatic one, that was roofed with a small baroque – classicistic shingled bell. The chapel consists of Romanesque apse and longitudinal directly covered aisle. On the western part there is a bricked gallery /empora/ reposing on 2 arcades. Access to the empora is allowed by a cylindrical vaulted staircase embedded into the wall of the western gable. In axis and in the southern part of the apse there is a Romanic window and bricked in Romanic portal. From the period of transition to Gothic there is a stone prismal polygonal pulpit. Classicistic  organ comes from the period  after 1833. Sacral items come from the 17th – 19th century.

External architectural decoration as well as a small Romanic window, and inside elegantly designed construction of empora with an interesting organ are worth seeing in this rare sacral monument. Built out Baroque tower comes from earlier date. Just a slightly protruding bulwark has remained from the fort wall around the chapel. Some tombstones of a medieval cemetery are protruding sporadically from the ground near by it.

GPS Coordinates: 48.200048357, 18.659374416

In case of interest in visiting the chapel in Kalinčiakovo Levice Information Agency (Levická Informačná Agentúra) can provide you with contact: +421 36 6318 037,+ 421 903 237 037

Fotogaléria Kalinčiakovo

Baroque Mansion in Kalinčiakovo

Baroque Mansion in Kalinčiakovo

Originally Baroque mansion was built in the 18th century and in the year 1820 it was renovated in Classicistic style. It is one-floor and three – wings building with binding  colonnade. Vertically built one-block wings are linked with the central wing by the colonnade. The mansion was built by Nyáry family who possessed properties till 1945. Its last owner was Margita Bolfrasová, maiden name Nyáry. In 1924 Slovak public school was established in the part of the mansion. Nyáry family belonged amongst very importan Ugrian families.

The right wing of the mason is used for an exposition of exhibits.

The first exposition - Return into childhood is a display of old toys. There are old dolls among them – even sewn, cars, prams, marionette shows, sleighs, three – wheelers and trains. Lanscape with miniature railways and small houses have been fitted in the middle of the room  Due to general elections the railways along with small trains were temporarily placed into the showcases. In case of more significant event some exclusive exhibits, such as a 100 year old doll, mechanical calculator etc., can be on loan. In individual showcases visitors can see historic photographs of the mansion and  Margita - Ilona swimming pool. A small part of the exhibition is being installed dedicated to our native Imrich Karvaš, who was the first Governor of the National Bank of Slovakia.

The second exposition  -  Return to the  past.

There are collected antique furnishings as well as household accessories from the past displayed in 2 rooms. There are also various working tools – a butter churn, a spinning –wheel, looms, wooden washer and flails. Period costumes are also a part of the exhibition.

Expositions do not have an exact opening hours. Both expositions can be visited upon preliminary agreement of date.

It is necessary to make an agreement on show in advance.

In case of interest in visiting the mansion in Kalinčiakovo you can be notified of telephone contacts by Levice Information Agency (Levická Informačná Agentúra).

 Address: Levice – town section Kalinčiakovo, 93401

Kúpalisko Margita - Ilona

Kúpalisko Margita - Ilona

Rekreačné zariadenie Margita - Ilona leží na rozhraní Podunajskej nížiny a Štiavnických vrchov. Okolie tvorí pahorkatina vhodná na nenáročné prechádzky. Od Levíc je vzdialené 6 km v smere na Šahy a tvorí ho kúpalisko so štyrmi bazénmi, autokempingom s 250 lôžkami, elektrickými prípojkami pre stany a karavany, športoviskami, reštauráciami a bufetmi a príslušnou infraštruktúrou. 

Bazény sa plnia termálnou vodou s teplotou 25°C s obsahom minerálných solí okolo 1020mg/l.
Areál kúpaliska pozostáva z laminátového plaveckého bazéna s rozmermi 50x21 m s hĺbkou vody 170-200 cm a laminátového detského bazéna s rozmermi 25x12 m s hĺbkou 120 - 130 cm. Tieto dva bazény sú prevádzkované modernou technológiou neustálej recirkulácie cez úpravovňu bazénovej vody. Pre deti do 6 rokov je určený bazén s rozmermi 16x8 m s hĺbkou vody 30 - 40 cm s malým vodným hríbom a šmykľavkou. Rodičia môžu na deti dohliadať z vodou obmývaného plážového vstupu do bazéna. Skladbu bazénov dopĺňa obľúbený rekreačný bazén s rozmermi 50 x 21 m s hĺbkou od 0 cm do 190 cm. V tomto bazéne sa nachádza vodný hríb a 10 m dlhý vodný sklz. Bazén má vytvorený pozvoľný, tzv. plážový vstup, kde hĺbka vody začína od 0 cm a pomaly sa zvažuje. Tento priestor je ideálny na opaľovanie a slnenie. 

Ubytovanie je možné v 4 a 5 lôžkových chatkách a v 4 a 6 lôžkových bungalovoch s kompletným vybavením. V týchto chatkách a bungalovoch je možnosť prípravy vlastnej stravy. 

V autokempingu je taktiež možnosť karavaningu a stanovania. 

Autokemping je v prevádzke od začiatku mája do konca septembra. V mesiacoch júl a august je kemping zameraný výlučne na pobyty rodín s deťmi a manželské páry. 

Zariadenie ponúka pobyty pre školské výlety, plavecké kurzy, školy v prírode v príjemnom a tichom prostredí.

Súradnice:  N48.200853    E18.658504